What’s In a Name: Building a Professional Brand

What’s In a Name: Building a Professional Brand

I am always inspired by our clients–not just the work they do, but who they are as people. That kind of affinity has become a hallmark of modern brands, so I think it’s important that founders and executives are seen as individuals and not enigmas running a faceless organization.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a champion for raising the profile of professionals who continue to be underrepresented. It’s the focus of both our Executive Thought Leadership Program and our Executive Visibility work for clients. And it’s inspired by what I’ve seen and what I’ve experienced.

As a young professional looking for a job, I couldn’t gain traction as “Erin.” But when I became my nickname, “Mack,” it confirmed for me just how much names–and the assumptions about the possible gender, age, ethnicity or country of origin of the person behind that name–have the power to either propel us forward or hold us back.

The bias is real. The pay gap is real. The lag in leadership roles for women and people of color is real. Even when female, BIPOC, AAPI and/or LGBTQ+ professionals earn executive status, they sometimes still have to prove themselves “worthy” of the achievement and its accolades.

What better “proof” than to make a name for yourself? Top brands do it. For example, Nike doesn’t conjure up images of the Greek goddess for whom it was named; it’s grown beyond that, beyond even a product-specific focus to become a lifestyle brand. The larger-than-label approach is a proven win for companies, athletes, and entertainers that somehow hasn’t proved popular in the professional world.

The fact is, it’s not “selfish” or “showboating” to promote yourself as an individual. It’s just smart business. But in the Instagram-ideal-driven, us-versus-them, over-stimulated world in which we live, how do you become someone whose name stands for something?

  • Be strategic. Ask yourself (and answer) honestly about your motivation and goals so you can plan accordingly.
  • Grow your network. Everyone knows someone, and forging connections in safe spaces like professional groups for members of marginalized populations can help you gather tools to reach a wider audience.
  • Invest in your success. Gather a team of experts to help you develop content and secure visibility opportunities. Freeing yourself from the tactical gives you more room to be creative.

Whatever your mission–elevating recognition in your current role or looking for something new–the power in shaping who you are and how you are known lies in your hands.

Read more about the importance of building your professional brand in my recent Fast Company article.

Executive Brand-Building is Critical to Your Company’s Future Growth

Executive Brand-Building is Critical to Your Company’s Future Growth

Who comprises your brand? I don’t mean the products or services you sell, I mean who are the people whose blood, sweat, and tears are driving your organization forward? Who are the people on the inside who would inspire admiration or even curiosity in those on the outside?

The truth is, much of your brand’s reputation is shaped by those stakeholders outside your corporate walls. But they need to see another side of your marketing. They need indications of how you think or why you act in order to fully shape their ideas about your organization’s brand.

It’s become especially important these days, when consumers and buyers want to align values with corporate brands. That focus makes the human factor more compelling than any feature or flash you can offer. Which is why I can’t stress enough the importance of focusing on the visibility of your founder or key executives in the early stages of building your organization’s brand.

The best and worst things about launching a startup are the many choices available. Yet executive branding should always live near the top of your list. Over the years I’ve known many executives who understand this, but have a crisis of confidence in the face of implementing thought leadership or media initiatives. Or, they feel pressured to ensure everything they do should be driving a clear line of sight to revenue.

Think about the leap you made to found your own business or to lead your organization through our current uncertainty. Then think about those record-breaking 5.4 million applicants for new businesses in 2021. Survival as a startup is not nearly the same as standing out in this growing competitive landscape.

So, what are your next steps? Find the right team to support you in finding your voice and expressing yourself in a way that fits you, while keeping you in step with your company brand. As for the ROI, it’s not really a matter of what it costs to invest in you as a representative of your organization’s brand. It’s a matter of what it costs to do nothing.

Think about it. Can you afford the:

  • Loss of potential funding87% of global executives feel a positive CEO reputation attracts investors, and investors agree.
  • Loss of potential revenue64% of buyers and decision makers find thought leadership content to be more trustworthy than marketing materials or product sheets.
  • Loss of trust. The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer shows that the highest levels of trust are currently reserved for business leaders—not government, NGOs or media.

If you want to make a winning strategic investment in the future of your company, highlight the people who drive your organization’s brand. Mack McKelvey shares more thoughts and tips about this in her Fast Company article.