Sparkfly CEO Catherine Tabor on Empowering Business Growth and Decisive Leadership

Sparkfly CEO Catherine Tabor on Empowering Business Growth and Decisive Leadership

Catherine Tabor, the founder and CEO of Sparkfly, recently sat down for an insightful podcast interview with Mack McKelvey where she shared her entrepreneurial journey and her approach to decision-making in leadership. Catherine’s story is one of resilience, creativity, and dedication to her business.

Catherine Tabor’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Catherine’s career began when she was a student at Georgia State, looking for an extra income stream while in school. She started house-sitting and dog walking in her community, which eventually led to her involvement with the Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola was running an employee discount program and, through a series of events, Catherine ended up winning the contract to manage this program. This opportunity inspired her to create a promotional platform connecting digital promotions and discounts with physical store transactions.

As a result, Catherine founded Sparkfly, which provides a platform that tracks online promotions and coupons from the point of interaction to the transaction. Today, Sparkfly serves a variety of clients, primarily in the food service, hospitality, and retail services industries. Catherine’s dedication, creativity, and problem-solving ability have led her to success, and she has expanded her business while maintaining a strong company culture.

Decision-Making and Leadership Philosophy

In the interview, Catherine emphasized her approach to decision-making, which revolves around trusting her instincts, staying true to her beliefs, and making thoughtful decisions. She mentioned using tools like pros and cons lists to assess decisions, but she also highlighted the importance of listening to her gut and pursuing opportunities she truly believes in.

Catherine is a firm believer in being transparent with her team and clients, even when the news may not be positive. She shared an example of a challenging situation with one of her major clients, Chipotle, where a campaign launch caused a system crash. In this instance, her honesty and willingness to address the issue directly with the client ultimately strengthened their trust and relationship.

The interview also delved into Catherine’s leadership style, which is characterized by her willingness to listen and connect with her team. She conducts one-on-one meetings with each of her employees, focusing on building relationships and understanding their needs, both professionally and personally. Catherine emphasized that she’s not just a leader at work but also a mentor and listener for her team, fostering trust and empathy.

What’s Next for Sparkfly

Regarding the future of Sparkfly, Catherine shared her company’s ambitious growth plans. They are working on aggressive revenue targets and expansion into new verticals. While food service, hospitality, and retail services are their primary industries, Sparkfly plans to diversify into other retail sectors and convenience stores. The company’s continued growth and value creation for its customers are driving its future endeavors.

In summary, Catherine Tabor’s entrepreneurial journey is one of resilience, creativity, and dedication. Her approach to decision-making and leadership centers on transparency, trust, and empathy, both within her team and with her clients. As Sparkfly continues to grow, it remains committed to creating value for its customers and expanding into new verticals. Catherine’s success story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and integrity in business.

Listen to Catherine’s full episode here.